How to Improve Your English With Movies

If you are seeking to learn English then watching English movies can be one of the best expedient ways to learn it. Using this way, you can improve your both active listening and speaking skills too. Watching movies is supposed to be fun… isn’t it? And what if you get to learn while having fun as well? I am sure you would also be searching for English speaking classes in Mumbai India, then it’s not a problem. Here, we are going to share information related to how you can improve your English with Movies.

You learn English words in Context

Well, that’s all possible and therefore watching movies is considered to be one of the best ways to learn English. Because you pay close attention to it and you would be able to learn it through context.
Just imagine for a while that you have a keen interest in watching crime-based movies. After watching 10-20 movies, you will realize that you have started getting the movie almost 70%. Just because you started to learn the vocabulary related to the context and here the context is Crime movies. We need to understand one thing here. In order to learn English or any new language, language learners need to learn a myriad of new words. However, it is difficult for him to get the exact meaning of it. When you watch a movie, you get to learn the new words related to the context and this is how you get to learn not only the meaning of the word but also you also get to learn how that word is appropriately used and where.

For example, you watch a crime-based movie where you catch a new word “Investigation” it means a process in which a person examines the facts. Now it will be very easy for you to simply forget this “Investigation” word unless you practice using this word in your day-to-day conversations. The way this word has been used in the movie will help the learner to understand how this word can be appropriately used and then he can create multiple sentences where this word can be used. This is the best way for him to never forget the word and use it appropriately where it suits.

Choose an Interesting movie and the one that matches your English level

You obviously have to choose the movie that you are interested in watching. If you watch a movie that is not interesting then you’ll soon be bored and would not like to pay attention for a long time. Hence, it is advisable that you watch a movie that you like and should be capable enough to engage you until the completion of the Movie. When you select a movie you also have to ensure that you have to choose a movie that matches your current level of English. For an instance, if your level of English is LOW then it would be recommended to watch a movie that you have already watched 1-2 times. You also can watch an animated movie which I believe will not have any complex content. The main reason behind recommending you to watch animated movies is that English is usually very friendly, nice and easy to understand.

Watch w/ & w/o subtitle

Once you are comfortable with watching movies with subtitles then try to make a habit to watch them without subtitles. It is easy to understand that watching an English movie without subtitles would surely be challenging. However, It will surely boost your confidence level. You will then be able to get the actual picture instead of trivialities. You would then be able to self-analyze how much you are able to understand the movie. Ideally, you are supposed to understand at least 70% of the content and then you can gradually improve it with constant practice.

More benefits of watching Movies

  • Build accuracy in Pronunciation: You can’t imagine how instrumental it can be for you to watch English movies. When you get to see the native people using the native language, then you will get to understand the actual pronunciation of any particular word that is spoken in that particular language.
  • Get Access to Real English: There is no doubt that Textbooks are incredibly useful for learning vocabulary and grammar. However, nothing is better than listening to Native English Speakers. It will be awesome as you will be having access to the content of native speakers. You will now be able to see people talking naturally in English. They may use slag which makes it a modern language. You will be able to see their style of talking and improve their vocabulary.
  • Explore Culture: While watching movies of native speakers you will get insightful information about their culture as well. You can now interact with them and understand their perspectives about life.

If you are seeking to learn English language or any foreign language, So attend English classes in Mumbai or learn through English courses in Mumbai today.

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