Spanish is spoken by more than 470 million people in over 20 countries, making it the world’s second most popular language. So if you’re looking to make connections with people of different nationalities, learning Spanish can open up a lot of opportunities. But not to worry – you don’t have to be fluent!
When learning Spanish, nothing beats hearing the language in action. So, to help your Spanish studies, we’ve collected some of the most beautiful and useful words and phrases in Spanish and paired them with a quick video clip of a native speaker. Not only will you get to hear the pronunciation of each word or phrase, but you’ll also see how it is used in context. Moreover, you can attend Spanish language classes in Mumbai or Spanish language courses in Mumbai for a better learning experience.
Here are six great words and phrases that will help you get by when traveling in Spanish-speaking countries or trying to converse with Spanish speakers.
36 Essential Spanish Nouns
Starting out, these will be the most useful nouns. Of course, you may employ a variety of nouns in your daily life… And you can adjust the list accordingly! However, since we’re going by word frequency, knowing these words will be beneficial.
- Spanish Nouns for People
Hombre – Man
Mujer – Woman
Chico/Chica – Boy/Girl
Amigo – Friend
Persona – Person
Familia – Family
- Spanish Nouns for Places
Aquí – Here
Allí – There
Ahora – Now
Sitio – Place
Escuela – School
Tienda – Shop
Baño – Bathroom
Ciudad – City
País – Country
- Spanish Nouns for Things
Cosa – Thing
Nada – Nothing
Algo – Something
Este/Esto/Esta – This or This one
Ese/ Eso/Esa – That or That one
Casa – House
Coche – Car
Idioma – Language
Agua – Water
Película – Movie
- Spanish Nouns for Time
Vez – One time
Hoy – Today
Mañana – Tomorrow
Ayer – Yesterday
Hora – Hour
Año – Year
Día – Day
Semana – Week
Antes – Before
Después – After
Tiempo – Time or Weather
Basic Spanish Questions
Being able to ask basic inquiries is an important component of being able to communicate in Spanish. You will be able to start conversations with these simple questions. Not only will you be able to start conversations, but you will also be able to maintain them in order to interact with others.
¿Cómote llamas? (What is your name?
¿Qué hora tienes? (What time is it?)
¿De dóndeviene? (Where are you from?)
¿Dóndevives? (Where do you live?)
¿Puedeayudarme? (Can you help me?)
¿Podríaayudarle? (Can I help you?)
¿Cuánto cuesta eso? (How much does it cost?)
¿Entiende? (Do you understand?)
Greetings in Spanish
Learning Spanish online without learning how to greet people is difficult. The ability to correctly welcome someone in Spanish will allow you to start conversations more than queries and basic words. This fundamental ability is essential for practice as you learn more.
Buenos días (Good morning)
Buenastardes (Good afternoon)
Buenasnoches (Good evening / Good night)
¿Cómoestás? (How are you?)
¿Quétal? (What’s up?)
¿Cómoteva? (How’s it going?)
¿Quéhaces? (What are you doing?)
¿Quépasa? (What’s happening?)
How to Learn to Pronounce Spanish Words
Spanish words almost always sound the same way they are spelled since it is a far more phonetically consistent language than English. This phonetic knowledge will help you pronounce long, multi-syllable words that would otherwise be difficult to pronounce. Attend Spanish institute in Mumbai and learn Spanish in Mumbai with the best tutors. They can help you with everything right from grammar to sentence phrases.
Trainerscan analyses your accent and compare it with others so you can quickly and properly learn how to pronounce Spanish words and phrases. You can compare your accent to that of native speakers for a more authentic language-learning experience, in addition to aiding you with problematic pronunciation. Each session contains exercises to get you speaking Spanish and practicing your pronunciation.
You can also attend Spanish classes in Mumbai or Spanish courses in Mumbai to become fluent in Spanish.